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Newspaper Headline 'Plot Against the Collins Cabinet', 1922. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
Huge Irish Crowd Gathering to Hear Michael Collins Speak, 1922. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
Disruptions and Fighting Breaking Out in the Crowd During a Speech by the Irish Chairman..., 1922. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
Newspaper Headline 'Michael Collins Dies in Fighting.', 1922. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
Gemini 10 splashdown, 1966. Creator: NASA.
Gemini 10 launch, Cape Kennedy, Florida, USA, 1966.  Creator: NASA.
Mobile Quarantine Facility, ca. 1969. Creator: Airstream.
Spoon used by Command Module Pilot, Apollo 11, 1969. Creator: Silco Stainless USA.
Boomerang, ca. 1969. Creator: Unknown.
The Four Courts bombarded, Dublin, Ireland, July 1922 (1935). Artist: Unknown
Armstrong and Aldrin unfurl the US flag on the moon, 1969. Artist: Unknown